Ousefleet village hall

Bringing communities together

Here you will find all the information you need about our community

Ousefleet village hall is a community building with state of the art kitchen, meeting room, new toilets  main hall, large field and playing field available to all groups and organisations.

Suitable for all occasions the hall and all its facilities are available with hire from £10.00 an hour or £80.00 all day (20% non-refundable deposit)

The village hall also offers an array of activities including bingo which is every second and fourth Thursday of the month with doors opening at 7:00pm and eyes down at 7:30pm suitable for all ages.

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  • Ousefleet village hall, Ousefleet, Nr Goole, England, United Kingdom DN148HR
Events image
Ousefleet village hall will be hosting the following events throughout the summer and the following months:

Flower and Buds is a baby and toddler (starting tomorrow and continuing every other Tuesday

Bingo will start back Thursday 28th July and will continue every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Doors open 7:00pm with eyes down at 7:30pm. 

Village tearoom. This will start on Tuesday 26th July the village hall will be open from 1:30pm till 3:30pm selling teas, coffees, cake, ice lollies and lots more. This will continue every Tuesday for the summer holidays.

Marshlands bbq. This will be an event for people to get together and get to know each other. (Date to be announced)

Craft group. There will be a craft group take place once a month (Dates to be confirmed).

Halloween childrens party will take place Friday 28th October.

Christmas Craft Fair Sunday 4th December

Christmas dinner Sunday 11th December 

Santa through the village will again take place on Sunday 18th December.

If you would like to volunteer please pm us. There will also be more events to be announced.


Susan Woodcock


James Woodcock


Christine Royston

Other committee members

Dianne Woodcock, Micheal Kirk, Maria Kirk

Booking image
To book the village hall please contact us by :
email : villagehallousefleet@gmail.com
Tel : 01405704239
Booking form : Standard booking form
or via the contact us section on the website

For any other information please don't hesitate to contact us